Terms of use

This Site as a whole, and all the material contained therein, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You can therefore view, print and copy the contents of this Site (including, by way of example only, texts, images, animations, videos, logos and drawings) solely for personal purposes of a non-commercial nature.
Except as provided herein, it is not permitted to use, modify, print, display, reproduce, distribute or publish the information contained in this Site without the written consent of Podere Santa Lucia Srl.
This Site may contain material protected by the intellectual property rights of third parties. In such cases, the permitted uses must be verified with the owners or licensees of the relative rights as identified from time to time on the Site.

This Site may contain links to other websites ("Links"). Podere Santa Lucia disclaims any responsibility for the contents and materials accessible on such sites or in any case obtainable through them. All links to other sites, as well as any other reference to information from third party sources, cannot in any way be considered as an express or implied endorsement by Podere Santa Lucia Srl.
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This Site may also contain information from third-party sources, duly indicated from time to time, to which you must refer exclusively for any question concerning their accuracy, truthfulness and completeness.

The material contained on this site may contain inaccurate information and typographical errors. Podere Santa Lucia Srl declines all responsibility for losses or damages caused or connected to the reliance placed by the users of the Site on the information contained therein. Therefore, the independent assessment of the accuracy of the information published on this Site remains the responsibility of the user. Podere Santa Lucia Srl reserves the right to modify the Site and its contents at any time without prior or subsequent communication obligation.

Site users are authorized to consult only the documents indicated in the menus of the same. Any unauthorized attempt to overcome or circumvent the Site's protections, to use the systems that operate or are connected to the Site for uses other than those for which they are intended and to hinder their use by authorized users, as well as to access , obtain, destroy, alter, damage information contained therein or to interfere with such systems. Any action of this kind will be brought to the attention of the competent authorities without delay and prosecuted in all the competent civil and criminal courts in accordance with current laws and international conventions.

The trademarks and "logos" appearing on this Site are registered or unregistered trademarks belonging to Podere Santa Lucia Srl or third parties and cannot be used for advertising purposes without the prior written consent of the trademark owner.
Any unauthorized use of these trademarks or of patents, technologies, products, processes and/or other property rights is expressly prohibited and will constitute an infringement of copyright, trademark legislation or other industrial rights.

This agreement is governed by Italian law. The user accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Teramo for all disputes that may arise from or relating to the use of this site or the services related to it.
The user acknowledges that this agreement and the use of the site do not create any relationship (such as a joint venture, association, work relationship, agency, etc.) between the user and Podere Santa Lucia Srl.
A printed version of this Agreement and any communication given electronically shall be deemed admissible evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.

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In the event that the login does not work correctly despite both nickname and password being correct, it is advisable to check the security level of your browser. Session variables may not work properly if your browser's security level is set above "medium".

News & Events
Christmas 2023 at Podere Santa Lucia
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May 1st 2024 at Podere Santa Lucia!
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Easter Monday Country at Podere Santa Lucia
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